Soviet Union’s History Via Tetris

Lately I’ve been doing some ranting about derivative videos on the tubes, but here is a special one that manages to rise above even my disdain for them and the majority of their brethren. It’s a music video that tells the complete history of the Soviet Union to the theme of Tetris, and I think it’s something special that seems to have been largely overlooked.

This is probably because it didn’t have a cute nerdy chick in it, or because it is well done and clever. Who knows? Continue reading →

The Raggedy Edge

standing on the edgeIn the realm of things that are totally are-you-freaking-kidding-me ridiculous: last night, I officially hit my goal of writing 100,000 words for Seven Sons. There was no fanfare associated with this, nobody standing there and cheering or popping champagne bottles, but it was an event for me nonetheless.

The threshold was crossed on the following sentence: A few lies would set them back on their way just as easily as a blade, but the death would only mean questions later.

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The Power of an Idea

Yesterday I saw first hand the power of an idea.

As I posted a few weeks ago, my wife and I are currently on vacation in Orlando, Florida, where we partook in the theme park candy that is the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, the new addition to Islands of Adventure. On top of re-creating the likes of Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade and Hogwart’s Castle, I daresay that whoever conjured up this fantastic place also accidentally created time travel, because I immediately felt like a six year old. I was full of wonder, joy and had quite possibly the biggest and stupidest grin on my face for the entire day. Continue reading →

My Superman Obsession


Another Comic Con has come and gone, and Eddy is left with an empty hole inside of his heart the shape of several thousand cosplay costumes, star-studded panels and epic movie trailers. Add this convention to the list of things I might commit a crime to attend one day, along with E3. Because of this, I’ve been in the superhero mindset as of late, which really doesn’t take too long, seeing as how I’m a bit obsessed, and have been since I was but a wee lad, as they say. Continue reading →

Batman Quest

BatmanToday I feel like someone used the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique on each of my limbs, rendering them completely defunct and obsolete. I shout at them to move but they offer me no recourse. I think they are upset at me about last night.

I’ve told myself for years that I’m going to take a self defense class at some point in my life. This has always been known to me as my Batman Quest, because deep down, who doesn’t want to be a crime fighter in a mask? Really, I just thought it would be cool to learn something new, and get in better shape doing it. Continue reading →

Confessions of a Nerd

ConfessionA few weeks back, I wrote a bit for this blog about The Rabbit Hole of Geek. The main premise of this piece of writing is that deep down, everybody’s a dork about something, whether they know it or not.

Originally I was going to tack on a whole other portion — a confessional if you will — of my nerdiest and most awesome exploits, but the post was getting a bit long. These are things that not everybody knows about me, but I feel it’s best to come clean. They say that confession is good for the soul, even if it’s not good for the self image.

So, here it goes: Continue reading →

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