Things I Wish I Learned In College

Portal Companion CubeWhenever I talk to a friend of mine that says they can’t wait to finish college, I have to fight the urge to grab them by the shoulders and shake the truth into them. While I love my life, you will be hard pressed to get me to admit that I wouldn’t time travel back to college if I could. Not so I could change stuff, but just so I can hang out in a limbo of awesomeness without responsibilities.

They were the greatest years of my life, if I’m being honest. And that’s not damning my current situation in the slightest. It’s just, when you boil it down, I would rather sit on my butt and play video games and consume food like a black hole without consequences like I used to. Granted, the being broke part wasn’t fun, but it added a nice little challenge, right? Continue reading →

The Power of an Idea

Yesterday I saw first hand the power of an idea.

As I posted a few weeks ago, my wife and I are currently on vacation in Orlando, Florida, where we partook in the theme park candy that is the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, the new addition to Islands of Adventure. On top of re-creating the likes of Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade and Hogwart’s Castle, I daresay that whoever conjured up this fantastic place also accidentally created time travel, because I immediately felt like a six year old. I was full of wonder, joy and had quite possibly the biggest and stupidest grin on my face for the entire day. Continue reading →

My Superman Obsession


Another Comic Con has come and gone, and Eddy is left with an empty hole inside of his heart the shape of several thousand cosplay costumes, star-studded panels and epic movie trailers. Add this convention to the list of things I might commit a crime to attend one day, along with E3. Because of this, I’ve been in the superhero mindset as of late, which really doesn’t take too long, seeing as how I’m a bit obsessed, and have been since I was but a wee lad, as they say. Continue reading →

Another Trip Around the Sun

Last Thursday marked the passing of my 27th year on this island Earth, and it went down much like any other annual “congrats for being alive” milestone before it: with general fatitude and revelry. What made this birthday weekend more remarkable than recent years was probably that it coincided with the Web Zeroes wrap party, and my youngest brother Kyle coming in town. It made for one exhausting and fun weekend, particularly as I reminisced on the nerdy shows we’ve made. I’m not sure if it was encouraging or a letdown to consider that I began pursuing my creative endeavors when I was 24, but I’m still on the good side of 30 I suppose, with lots of good writing or basket weaving years left in these bones. Continue reading →

Latepass On the Double Rainbow

OK, I know I’m going to get called for a serious latepass on this, but I thought I might as well post the glorious Double Rainbow meme that’s been circling the Web like a satellite recently. This particular set of videos falls under the category of stuff that gets increasingly funnier every single time I watch it.

It really must be experienced in both respective parts: the original, in which a hiker freaks out about a double rainbow. Then, the remix, in which the audio from the first clip is auto-tuned. They produce in me a feeling that can only be called pure and unadulterated joy. Continue reading →

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